Dana K. White - Why Cleaning Felt Impossible: The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Every Angle of Decluttering

Why Cleaning Felt Impossible: The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Every Angle of Decluttering


An original audio series featuring brand new content from decluttering expert Dana K. White.

Do you wish a decluttering expert could come alongside you to help tackle specific roadblocks that always derail your decluttering journey? Dana K. White, self-proclaimed recovering slob and author of Organizing for the Rest of Us and Decluttering at the Speed of Life, is here to help with her original audio series, Decluttering Deep Dives.

Each installment of Decluttering Deep Dives covers a frequent problem that Dana hears about from her readers and listeners. Featuring Dana’s signature light-hearted voice and approachable tactics, Why Cleaning Felt Impossible dives into these common struggles:

• Fighting to get your house clean and not being able to keep it that way
• Shoving everything in closets, rooms (with doors that lock!), and junk drawers in a desperate attempt to keep your stuff under control
• Moving stuff around but never getting it organized
• Cleaning for hours without actually making progress on the mess (or even getting to the point of picking up a cleaner)

Fans of Dana’s podcast, A Slob Comes Clean, will love Dana’s in-depth conversation filled with workable solutions for you to make your space the peaceful, organized home you need and want.


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Dana K. White Dana K. White Parte
27 de septiembre de 2022

Editorial: © 2022 Thomas Nelson (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781400335640

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