Frank Dixon - Why Children Should Read: 7 Secrets To Raising Intelligent Children In A Challenging World

Why Children Should Read: 7 Secrets To Raising Intelligent Children In A Challenging World


Make Your Child 10X Smarter With These Simple Strategies…Would you like to see your kids read more?
And would you like them to experience the massive benefit of reading for kids?
The reality is that we all know about the importance of reading, but yet most kids still rarely ever read…
This book can help you make sure that your kids actually grow into avid readers, which will make them smarter and potentially improve all aspects of their life.
In Why Children Should Read, you’ll discover…
✓ The Real Reasons Why Kids Should Read Daily✓ How Reading Impacts the Brain in Remarkable Ways✓ How Reading Helps Children Grow into Smarter and More Thoughtful Persons✓ The Reasons Why Your Kids Don’t Like Reading and…✓ How to Help Your Kids Fall in Love With Reading

So, do you want to help your kids experience the massive benefits of reading?
Then Click The “Buy Now” Button Today to Immediately Start Raising Kids Who Read!


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Frank Dixon Shawn Lennox Parte
5 de febrero de 2022

Editorial: © 2022 Go Make A Change (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781669614692

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