Eric Meade - Whole Mind Facilitation: How to Lead Workshops That Change People, Organizations, and the World

Whole Mind Facilitation: How to Lead Workshops That Change People, Organizations, and the World


“Wow! Where did you learn to facilitate like that?” That’s what your colleagues or clients will say once you have facilitated a workshop using what you will learn in this book by nationally recognized facilitator and award-winning author Eric Meade.

You will learn:

• An overall philosophy of facilitation
• How to plan an agenda and what exercises to use
• How to choose a venue and set up the room
• How to facilitate discussion and mediate disagreement in large groups
• What to do when you don’t know what to do
• And much, much more

Whole Mind Facilitation also presents a simple workshop design that any facilitator can use to take participants on a journey through the three domains of the «whole mind»: thought, emotion, and intuition. Follow the book’s guidance to tailor this design to your unique circumstances, and you will be well on your way to facilitation success!

“Eric’s unique approach to facilitation fosters dialogue and progress that would not happen otherwise. He is systematic in his thinking, but always in the moment, ready to adjust the plan as necessary to help a group perform at its best. This book captures key aspects of his approach and will help many young professionals perform far beyond their level of experience.”

Carlos A. Otal, National Managing Partner, Grant Thornton Public Sector

“Eric Meade’s approach is not just one way to facilitate, but a robust set of tools and methods for producing change-making workshops. Eric has honed his craft through his experiences helping clients see their future differently. His book will be valuable to anyone responsible for facilitating effective group decisions, planning meetings, or retreats.”

Jessica Hartung, Author of The Conscious Professional: Transform Your Life at Work


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Eric Meade Anne-Lise Kadri Inglés 2H 22M 6 de abril de 2021

Editorial: © 2021 Canyon House Press (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781664935709

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