Untangle Your Emotions: Audio Bible Studies: Discover How God Made You to Feel
What do we do when we can’t interrupt a feeling?
When we are sad day after day with no real reason why?
When we are consumed with anger toward someone who wronged us as a child?
When we are anxious about what will happen as our career hangs in the balance?
When we are withdrawn after an argument with our spouse?
As I tackle the huge topic of our emotional life, the rules have changed. Do we have control over feeling sad? Feeling angry? Feeling happy? If we can just stop thinking a thought, can we just stop feeling a feeling?
In this Bible study, I would like to take a closer look at individual moments when Jesus and Father God and the Spirit all feel emotions. Because we were created by a God who feels, let’s learn from Him … what is His response to sadness, anger, fear, or joy? Seeing God emote throughout Scripture will give us a new path forward. In each of these moments, I will cast a theological vision for our emotions and present scientific research that confirms what Scripture says is true.
I believe there are steps we can take to experience our emotions more clearly and walk in greater awareness of our need for God. Together, we will learn to take these five steps in the face of overwhelming emotions:
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Jennie Allen | Parte 1 de 274 |
13 de febrero de 2024 |
Editorial: © 2024 Harper y Christian Resources (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9780310171508
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