John M. Allegro - The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity Within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity Within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East


Where did God come from? What do the bible stories really tell us? Who or what was Jesus Christ? This book challenges everything we think we know about the nature of religion: -The ancient fertility cult at the heart of Christianity. -The living power of cultic rites and symbols. -The sacred mushroom as the emblem and embodiment of divinity. -The secret meaning of biblical myths. -The language of religion that links us to our ancestors. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross sets out John Allegro’s quest through a family tree of languages to find the truth about where Christianity came from.


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
John M. Allegro Martyn Swain Inglés 10H 33M 6 de diciembre de 2022

Editorial: © 2022 Dreamscape Media (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781666626056

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