O.S. Hawkins - The Prayer Code: 40 Scripture Prayers Every Believer Should Pray

The Prayer Code: 40 Scripture Prayers Every Believer Should Pray


Do you want a richer, more robust prayer life? Your prayers are powerful! Learn how to pray with confidence, faith, and an awareness of the Holy Spirit as you draw from world-changing prayers from Scripture in this inspiring guide to a transformed spiritual life. The Prayer Code is the latest addition to O. S. Hawkins’s bestselling series that includes The Joshua Code and The Jesus Code.

David prayed for protection from his enemies. Jesus prayed for all believers. The early Church prayed for courage. The most powerful prayers of Scripture have one thing in common: they reflect the promises of God in His Word, promises that are available to you today, just as they were to people in the Bible.

In The Prayer Code, Hawkins explores biblical prayers to equip you to pray effectively for:

peace • in times of change
courage • to overcome your fears
healing • for yourself and others

Each of the entries includes a prayer, life-guiding principles you can draw from that prayer, and a code word to help you apply those truths to your life.

Whether you offer a prayer of confession, thanksgiving, praise, intercession, petition, or communion, you can be confident that you’re praying as the Bible teaches. Transform your prayer life as you learn to pray with passion to a loving Father who longs for you to draw near.


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
O.S. Hawkins Maurice England Parte
30 de noviembre de 2021

Editorial: © 2021 Thomas Nelson (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781400229277

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