The Introvert Charismatic: The gift of introversion in a noisy church
Extrovert characters, exuberant worship, large crowds and noisy fellowship seem central to charismatic churches ‘ but do we really need to shout before God will move in power? Introverts can find charismatic culture off-putting, even disagreeable, and yet love what God is doing. How can they engage in a healthy manner? Is introversion something to be overcome, grown out of, even healed? -It is none of those things,- emphasizes Mark Tanner. -Introversion is a creation gift. It is part of the image of God.- He explores the richness of worshipping God with the personality you have been given. The Church, the Kingdom, and the world need charismatic introverts and this book is a thoughtful and practical guide for introverts and extroverts alike.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Mark Tanner | Inglés | Libro electrónico: 15 de enero de 2015 |
Editorial: © 2015 Monarch Books (Libro electrónico) ISBN: 9780857215895
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