Swimming Lessons: Poems
I seem to be your new favorite novel.
One that keeps you up at night,
turning my pages.
Fingers lingering on me so you don’t lose your place.
In her first collection of poetry, Lili Reinhart explores the euphoric beginnings of young love, battling anxiety and depression in the face of fame, and the inevitable heartbreak
that stems from passion.
Relatable yet deeply intimate, provocative yet comforting, bite-size yet profound, these beautiful poems are about growing
up, falling down, and getting back up again. They capture what it feels like to be a young woman in today’s image-obsessed world with Lili’s trademark honesty, optimism, and unique perspective.
Accompanied by striking and evocative illustrations, the poems in Swimming Lessons reveal the depths of female experience, and are the work of a storyteller who is coming into her own.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Lili Reinhart | Lili Reinhart | Inglés | 59M | 29 de septiembre de 2020 |
Editorial: © 2020 Harper y Collins (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9780008365691
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