IRB Media - Summary of Sonia Choquette

Summary of Sonia Choquette’s The Answer Is Simple…Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!


Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:

#1 We’ve been taught that we’re unlovable if we don’t meet the expectations of others. But we can’t find self-love through gaining approval from others. We can only find it by appreciating and valuing ourselves from within, from a place that goes deeper than ego or personality.

#2 You are a magnificent manifestation of Spirit. To house this Divinity within your being is a gift and a pleasure. To accept your true nature is a big step toward self-love.

#3 To live your Spirit, you must detach from your ego and follow your heart. By adopting certain daily practices that are simple but honest expressions of you, you’ll naturally raise the energetic frequency of your Spirit above that of ego.

#4 As you connect more with your Spirit, you’ll be less entranced by the fearful running dialogue of your ego and begin to hear life’s song more deeply. You’ll become more capable of listening to and absorbing messages from others and the world around you.

Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
IRB Media Inglés Libro electrónico: 10 de junio de 2022

Editorial: © 2022 IRB Media (Libro electrónico) ISBN: 9798822537705

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