My Life With The Walter Boys
Soon to be adapted for TV by Netflix!
Jackie does not like surprises. Chaos is the enemy! The best way to get her successful, busy parents to notice her is to be perfect. The perfect look, the perfect grades-the perfect daughter. And then . . .
Surprise #1: Jackie’s family dies in a freak car accident.
Surprise #2: Jackie has to move cross-country to live with the Walters-her new guardians.
Surprise #3: The Walters have twelve sons. (Well, eleven, but Parker acts like a boy anyway.)
Now Jackie must trade in her Type A personality and New York City apartment for a Colorado ranch and all the wild Walter boys who come with it. Jackie is surrounded by the enemy-loud, dirty, annoying boys who have no concept of personal space. Okay, several of the oldest guys are flat-out gorgeous. But still annoying. She’s not stuck-up or boring-no matter what they say-but proving it is another matter. How can she fit in and move on when she needs to keep her parents’ memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Ali Novak | Renée Chambliss | Inglés | 9H 23M | 14 de octubre de 2014 |
Editorial: © 2014 Tantor Media, Inc. (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781494575991
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