Drew Daywalt - Monkey and Cake: What is Inside This Box?

Monkey and Cake: What is Inside This Box?


From the author of The Day the Crayons Quit comes a groundbreaking new friendship series, introducing mischievous Monkey and inquisitive Cake as they grapple with life’s biggest questions.

Meet Monkey and Cake. Cake has lots of questions. Monkey has lots of answers. They are silly. They are curious. Sometimes they fight. But Monkey and Cake are always best friends.

From #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Day the Crayons Quit and The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors , Drew Daywalt, and illustrator Olivier Tallec, comes a fresh new duo Monkey and Cake.

In this book, Monkey and Cake cannot agree what’s inside Monkey’s mysterious box. Is it a kitty? Is it a dinosaur? How will they find out- — and what do you think is inside? With Daywalt’s signature quirky style, the relatable humor of Elephant and Piggie, and the wise friendship of Frog and Toad, Monkey and Cake invites listeners to laugh along and let their imaginations soar.


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Drew Daywalt George Mount y Mike Dooley Parte
26 de febrero de 2019

Editorial: © 2019 Scholastic Audio Books (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781338330922

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