Paul Jackson, Patrick Noble - Learn Spanish for Beginners

Learn Spanish for Beginners


If you want to learn Spanish without having to relocate to a Spanish-speaking country for months or even years, then keep reading…
Learning a new language can seem difficult, if not impossible at the very beginning. If you are an adult, then it probably seems even scarier. You may have had a bad experience trying to learn a second language in school.
You have wanted to learn Spanish for some time now. It could just be because youíre in love with the language or you may live in an area where Spanish is routinely spoken. Regardless of the reason, your desire to learn a second language is genuine, and it has driven you here.
It is easier than you think.
You are not going to pull out your hair while learning Spanish. It wonít be long until you amaze your friends and family by speaking Spanish to them. It is entirely possible that you could even hold a conversation with a native Spanish speaker within a mere matter of weeks.
Learn the most common words spoken in public.
It seems that learning a foreign language is difficult because there are so many words to learn. In fact, this isnít the truth at all. There are only about 2,000 words that you need to learn. If you learn just these words, it is possible to have a conversation with just about anyone. You will be talking to strangers in no time, and it will even surprise you.
A second language opens up a new world of opportunities.
Take a sneak peek at what I have in store for you:
A list of 2,000 of the most common words in Spanish and their translations
Over 20 hours of authentic Spanish lessons
Native Spanish-speaking voice actor to make sure you develop an authentic Spanish accent
And most importantly, a fun and engaging teaching method that will have you looking forward to practicing with this program -and the more you practice, the more you learn
Download to get started today!


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Paul Jackson y Patrick Noble Melissa Sheldon Inglés 20H 35M 7 de julio de 2022

Editorial: © 2022 Author’s Republic (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781667982816

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