Innovative Language Learning - Learn English - Level 5: Advanced English, Volume 1: Lessons 1-50

Learn English – Level 5: Advanced English, Volume 1: Lessons 1-50


Want to immerse yourself in the English language and speak at a native level?

Curious about the United States and the culture?

Then this Audiobook is for you!

With Advanced English, you get English-only lessons and learn the all about the country, culture, history, folklore, arts and popular destinations. Along the way, you’ll pick up sophisticated expressions and advanced grammar.

To help you learn English even faster and understand everything, you get a 200+ page e y Book with translations so you can read along.

By the end of this book, you will…
– Learn All About the United States and American Culture
– Master Advanced Level Expressions & Grammar
– Master English Listening Skills & Tune Your Ear to the Native Speaking Style
– Be Able to Speak at a Native Level
– Master Reading by Reading Along with the e y Book
– Understand Everything with Translations Provided inside the e y Book

With this Audiobook, you get:
– 50 Advanced level lessons
– 200+ page e y Book so you can read along

Download the PDF and read along: y IEYBR


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Innovative Language Learning English y Parte
22 de noviembre de 2020

Editorial: © 2020 Innovative Language Learning (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781612570600

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