Jerusalem Beach: Stories
For fans of Etgar Keret, a debut collection that fuses the humor of everyday life in Israel with technology’s challenges and the latest discoveries about the human brain.
At once compassionate, philosophical, and humorous, Jerusalem Beach is a foray into the human condition in all its contradictions. Through a series of snapshots of contemporary life in Israel, Gefen reveals a world that’s a step from the familiar.
A man’s grandfather joins an army platoon of geriatrics looking for purpose in old age. A scheming tech start-up exposes the dire consequences of ambition in trying to share human memories. An elderly couple searches for a beach that doesn’t exist. And, a boy mourns his brother’s death in an attempt to catch time like flies in his fist.
Entirely heartfelt and infused with pathos, Jerusalem Beach is an exploration of both technology and the brain. Whether ruminating on the stakes of familial love or pitching the reader headlong into the absurdity of success and failure, Gefen leaves the listener intrigued throughout.
Contains mature themes.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Iddo Gefen | Steven Jay Cohen | Inglés | 10H 25M | 17 de agosto de 2021 |
Editorial: © 2021 Tantor Audio (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781666124842Traductor: Daniella Zamir
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