Jade Shards: Short Stories of the Green Bone Saga
Fonda Lee returns to the acclaimed Green Bone Saga with four prequel short stories that delve into the personal histories of the Kaul and Ayt families.
The Witch and Her Friend. Before she was the ruthless leader of the Mountain clan, Ayt Mada was an orphan without friends at school except for one: Aun Ure, a teenage girl feared and renowned as an assassin but yearning for a simpler life.
Not Only Blood. Before he was the heir apparent of the No Peak clan, Kaul Lan challenged his grandfather and clan patriarch to help a boy who had lost everything.
Better Than Jade. Before they were married, Kaul Hilo and Maik Wen were a young couple facing long odds: the son of a top Green Bone clan in love with a stone-eye girl from a disreputable family.
Granddaughter Cormorant. Before she left and returned to Kekon, Kaul Shae was the apple of her grandfather’s eye … as well as a daring secret informer to a foreign country.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Fonda Lee | Andrew Kishino | Inglés | 3H 52M | 5 de septiembre de 2023 |
Editorial: © 2023 Recorded Books, Inc. (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9798890592521
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