Is He the One?: 101 Questions That Will Lead You to the Truth, Whatever That Is
Is He the One? provides 101 crucial Qand y As and six essential sidebars for every girl who thinks she’s found her life mate. It’s for her eyes only.So, you think you’ve found him. The One. But before you decide for sure, you must ask certain questions of yourself-101, to be exact. But this is not a weighty tome outlining a hundred conversations with your partner. In fact, don’t even invite him to participate. No, this is the heart-to-heart you must have with yourself.
*Is he affectionate? A tender touch, a warm kiss, a gentle rub. These are things you should receive every single day. And you shouldn’t have to ask.
* How does he treat people who wait on him in restaurants? Hopefully with the utmost respect, because anything but that is unacceptable. And a generous tipper never hurts.
Written in a girlfriend-to-girlfriend style by a magazine professional with her finger on the pulse of women’s lifestyles, Is He the One? is a significant tool that’s serious fun.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Susan Swimmer | Inglés | E-book: 11 de diciembre de 2012 |
Editorial: © 2012 Andrews Mc y Meel Publishing (E-book) ISBN: 9781449440794
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