Fry’s Ties: The Life and Times of a Tie Collection
Anyone can wear a tie. All you need is a neck, a shirt, and a feel for color.
Discover the story of a gentleman’s most distinguished accessory. In this charming volume, the iconic actor and bestselling author Stephen Fry excavates his epic collection of neckties. From the traditional «egg and bacon» colors of the Marylebone Cricket Club, to the exuberant dalmatian
pattern of a 1980s Nicole Miller design, each tie tells a story.
The book includes an essay about Fry’s own necktie journey. Simply sit back and enjoy this informative and witty tour of history, culture, art, and design, peppered with amusing anecdotes.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Stephen Fry | Stephen Fry y Juliet Stevenson | Inglés | 4H 7M | 15 de agosto de 2023 |
Editorial: © 2023 Recorded Books, Inc. (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9798890590480
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