From the Depths
From atop the choppy waves to the choking darkness of the abyss, the seas are full of mystery and rife with tales of inexplicable events and encounters with the unknown. In this anthology we see a thrilling spread of narratives; sailors are pitched against a nightmare from the depths, invisible to the naked eye; a German U-boat commander is tormented by an impossible transmission via Morse Code; a ship ensnares itself in the kelp of the Sargasso Sea and dooms a crew of mutineers, seemingly out of revenge for her lost captain. The supernatural is set alongside the grim affairs of sailors scorned in these salt-soaked tales, recovered from obscurity for the 21st century.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Mike Ashley | Ben Onwukwe y John Telfer y Jeff Harding y David Thorpe | Parte 46 de 80 |
1 de febrero de 2022 |
Editorial: © 2022 Isis Publishing Ltd (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9781399119627
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En este apartado puedes descargar el audiolibro From the Depths de Mike Ashley narrado por Ben Onwukwe y John Telfer y Jeff Harding y David Thorpe. Lo único que necesitarás para este audiolibro es tener unos auriculares a mano. ¡Comienza con el audiolibro From the Depths ahora y diviértete escuchando esta historia!
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