Helen Wells - Expressive Sketchbooks: Developing Creative Skills, Courage, and Confidence

Expressive Sketchbooks: Developing Creative Skills, Courage, and Confidence


Expressive Sketchbooks shares a host of creative ideas and prompts, tools and techniques, methods for working around obstacles and barriers, and tons of visual inspiration to help you grow in your sketchbooking practice.

An expressive sketchbook is a place for you to explore, express, and enjoy your own innate creativity on your own terms. It is a safe playground for the imagination—a place to mess about, play, and experiment—and to gain confidence in your abilities as you develop your skills.

Expressive Sketchbooks offers techniques and creative exercises that incorporate mark making, watercolor, mixed media, collage, words and text, and more. It unpacks some of the obstacles and barriers that you may face along the way and offers wisdom and encouragement to help you decide why and how to start your sketchbook and how to develop and expand your artistic practice.

This book is packed with ideas and exercises, including: • Exploratory drawing exercises
• How to utilize color in your sketchbook
• How to create dynamic and varied sketchbook pages
• How to find inspiration in nature and in your everyday life
• Ways to mix media and art supplies
• Ways to kickstart your creativity
• How to find and develop a process that feels personal to you
Through this book, you’ll find out what lights you up, what makes you curious and fascinated, and what makes you expansive. Discover how to magnify your creativity and enliven your art skills by using an expressive sketchbook as your daily companion.

Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Helen Wells Inglés Libro electrónico: 14 de abril de 2020

Editorial: © 2020 Quarry Books (Libro electrónico) ISBN: 9781631598364

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