Eric Dinyer - Effort and Surrender: The Art and Wisdom of Yoga

Effort and Surrender: The Art and Wisdom of Yoga


Yoga how-to books abound, a direct reflection of the rapidly expanding popularity of this ancient practice. Effort and Surrender does not show how to «do» yoga. Instead, it tells – through illustrations and quotations – how to «feel» what yoga is and what it means to experience mind and body movements as a life enhancer and as a way of life. This beautiful celebration of yoga’s artistry and insight makes a one-of-a-kind gift book.

Talented editor and photographer Eric Dinyer, a dedicated yoga practitioner himself, used his own experience and deep understanding to convey yoga’s challenges and far-reaching possibilities. Eric’s sepia-rich photographs of 37 classic asanas intertwined with vibrant and sweeping ink lines give the postures an energy of their own. Equally moving are the collection of historical and modern yoga quotes, such as this: «Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.» – Erich Schiffmann. Effort and Surrender is a very rich experience indeed.

Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Eric Dinyer Inglés E-book: 16 de julio de 2013

Editorial: © 2013 Andrews Mc y Meel Publishing (E-book) ISBN: 9781449450045

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