Cathy Glass - Damaged: The Heartbreaking True Story of a Forgotten Child

Damaged: The Heartbreaking True Story of a Forgotten Child


The No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller.

At just eight years old, Jodie is violent, aggressive and extremely challenging. Five carers in four months have been unable to cope, but there is one last hope: Cathy Glass…

As Jodie begins to trust Cathy and make progress, shocking details about her past come to light. No one had noticed the glaring signs of abuse by those who were supposed to love her most.

One of Cathy’s earliest and bestselling memoirs, Damaged is a heartbreaking story that proves just how valuable foster carers are for society’s most vulnerable children.


Autor Narrador Idioma Duración Fecha
Cathy Glass Denica Fairman Inglés 8H 41M 26 de junio de 2014

Editorial: © 2014 Harper y Collins (Audiolibro) ISBN: 9780007577781

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