Close to Home: Attack of the 70-Foot Zombie Toddlers! (A Book of Parenting Cartoons): A Book of Parenting Cartoons
Cartoonist John Mc y Pherson’s comics may be close to home, but thank your lucky stars that his erratic characters haven’t made themselves too comfortable in your home. Mc y Pherson’s ode to everyday life is punctuated with the off-the-wall personalities who can turn any normal occurrence into something ridiculous. The only way to read these cartoons and their comical characters—from naive new parents to devious toddlers—is to expect the unexpected. Close to Home debuted in 50 newspapers in 1992 after Mc y Pherson left his engineering job to become a full-time cartoonist, and today the comic strip runs in nearly 700 newspapers worldwide. His characters are regularly confronted with everyday dilemmas, including parent-teacher conferences, diaper changes, NS spousal disagreements, and their responses are always cleverly unpredictable. The situations are somehow both outlandish yet relatable, and anyone is sure to burst out in laughter at this original e-book collection of all of Close to Home’s boldest and best comical takes on parenting.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
John Mc y Pherson | Inglés | E-book: 26 de marzo de 2013 |
Editorial: © 2013 Andrews Mc y Meel Publishing (E-book) ISBN: 9781449439835
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