A Joosr Guide to… Sane New World by Ruby Wax: Taming the Mind
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In today’s society we have more than we’ve ever had before. So why are so many of us unhappy? The answer may be inside our own brains.
Our minds are powerful, fascinating, complex… and entirely maddening to us. Daily our own minds nag us with criticizing messages and painful critique, making it harder than ever to be happy. We have a hard time fixing this because we don’t understand how our brains work, but Sane New World is here to change that. With examples, explanations and simple exercises, this book will serve as the user’s manual for your brain, showing you how it works, why it harasses you so much, and what you can do about it.
You will learn:
· How our society is actually making us less happy
· Why our brains bombard us with negativity and self-loathing
· What mindfulness is and how it can help you take control of your brain.
Autor | Narrador | Idioma | Duración | Fecha |
Joosr | Inglés | E-book: 12 de agosto de 2015 |
Editorial: © 2015 Joosr (E-book) ISBN: 9781785671203
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